When To See an Orthopedic Surgeon

An orthopedic surgeon is an expert at the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions affecting your bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The doctors at Paragon Surgical Center in Saint Thomas, VI, provide a wide range of orthopedic medical services including orthopedic surgery.

What You Need to Know about Orthopedic Surgery

One of the main reasons why you should see an orthopedic surgeon is if you have experienced an accident, trauma, or injury. These events can all lead to dislocated or broken bones, torn ligaments and tendons, and severe pain. Seek out an orthopedic surgeon if you:

  • Heard a loud popping sound when you experienced an injury
  • Have lost strength in the affected body part
  • Are experiencing numbness in the affected body part
  • Have experienced instability in the affected body part
  • Notice severe swelling or an obvious dislocation in the affected area

Another important reason why you should see an orthopedic surgeon is if you have a medical condition affecting your bones, muscles, ligaments, or tendons. Common medical conditions an orthopedic surgeon treats include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and others. Seek out an orthopedic surgeon if you:

  • Are experiencing chronic pain in your bones or joints
  • Notice obvious swelling or deforming of bones or joints
  • Have lost flexibility and range of motion in your joints

Your orthopedic surgeon can help you get relief with a wide variety of treatments, both non-surgical and surgical, including:

  • Physical therapy and stretching to increase flexibility
  • Exercises to increase strength, and balance, and help you stay active
  • Anti-inflammatory medications and injections
  • Braces, walking casts, boots, and other devices to provide support while you heal
  • Surgical therapy, which can include repair and reconstruction of bones, ligaments, and tendons, joint fusion, joint replacement, and other procedures

Want to Know More?

To find out more about orthopedic surgery and how it can help you, call the doctors of Paragon Surgical Center in Saint Thomas, VI, at (340) 715-7874. Call today.

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Paragon Surgical Center, LLC


8:30 am-4:00 pm


8:30 am-4:00 pm


8:30 am-4:00 pm


8:30 am-4:00 pm


8:30 am-4:00 pm



