What Is a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy?

The experienced and diverse team at Paragon Surgical Center, serving Saint Thomas, VI, offers flexible sigmoidoscopy screening, among other specialized and standard screenings and interventions. For this reason, we should be your first choice for preventative and interventive medical care.

More About Flexible Sigmoidoscopies

The easiest way to explain a flexible sigmoidoscopy is to compare it to the more familiar colonoscopy. A colonoscopy examines the entire colon using a thin, flexible tube with a camera/light on one end called a colonoscope inserted through the anus and rectum. 

The flexible sigmoidoscopy procedure also uses a thin, flexible tube with a camera/light called a sigmoidoscope inserted through the anus and rectum. However, this procedure examines only the rectum and lower colon, also known as the sigmoid or descending colon. Unlike a colonoscopy, sedation is not typically required. 

Uses of a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

The team at Paragon Surgical Center serving Saint Thomas, VI, uses a flexible sigmoidoscopy as a screening tool. It is to determine whether your sigmoid colon or rectum has irritated or inflamed tissue, ulcers, or polyps and to screen for colon and rectal cancers. If they find a tumor or growth, they will take a tissue sample during the procedure for further testing. 

What to Expect During a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

Like a colonoscopy, you will need to take bowel prep before your procedure to clear out your bowel and refrain from eating from the evening before your procedure. Depending on your specialist's instructions, you may still be allowed to consume clear liquids. 

The procedure takes approximately 20 minutes unless tissue samples need to be taken. You will be asked to lie sideways, and your healthcare provider will carefully insert the tube through your anus, rectum, and into your sigmoid colon, stopping at the transverse colon. 

Your doctor will inflate your colon with air to give them a better view. They may also ask you to adjust your body slightly on the table while the sigmoidoscope is inserted to give the doctor a better look. 

What to Expect After Your Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

After your screening, you can return home but may experience light cramping and discomfort in the abdominal area, including bloating. However, you should resume your normal activities and diet. 

However, if you continue to feel unwell after your procedure, including severe pain in the abdominal and rectal area, bloody or black stools, continuous bleeding, or a high temperature, please seek medical attention immediately.

Contact Us

If you are a Saint Thomas, VI resident needing a flexible sigmoidoscopy performed, look no further than the expert team at Paragon Surgical Center. Call us today at (340)-715-7874 to book your consultation.

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