What Is a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy?

Have you been told you need a flexible sigmoidoscopy but have questions or concerns? We at Paragon Surgical Center in Saint Thomas, VI have your answers. Read on to find out the answers to the top questions.

What is a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy?

This is an exam where a flexible thin tube is put into the rectum to look at the lower large intestine and colon. This diagnostic procedure lets a camera show the doctor the rectum, sigmoid colon, and approximately two feet of the lower descending colon of the large intestine. During the procedure, the doctor is able to take biopsies if needed and these tissue samples can be more easily tested.

Since this test doesn’t show the entire colon, some cancer cells or polyps may be missed in the diagnosis.

Why is a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Done?

Some of the reasons that your doctor may order this test are:

Cancer Screening – This test does well for colon cancer screening if the participant is over 50 years of age with no major risk factors.

Examine Intestinal Issues – This test can help find reasons for intestinal problems like stomach pain, bowel issues, bleeding, and chronic diarrhea.

How to Prep for a Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

Before this procedure, you will need to completely void your colon as the residue left behind may alter the view. To prep for a flexible sigmoidoscopy, you may need to follow a special diet, have an enema, take a laxative, or adjust your normal medication schedule. You and your doctor will discuss your preparation ahead of time so that there is no question about what is needed.

If you have any other questions about this or different procedures, Paragon Surgical Center in Saint Thomas, VI is here for you. Call our office at (340) 715-7874 for an appointment or consultation.

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