Understanding Diverticulosis

How your gastroenterologists in Saint Thomas, VI, can help with diverticulosis treatment

Occasional abdominal pain or cramping are normal and could be due to a variety of things, including diarrhea, constipation, food issues, and other causes. If you are experiencing chronic abdominal pain or cramping, they could be a sign of something else. You could have diverticulosis.

The gastroenterologists at Paragon Surgical Center in Saint Thomas, VI, offer a wide variety of medical services and can help you if you have diverticulosis.

So, what exactly is diverticulosis? It’s a condition in which the tissue in your colon pushes out of weakened colon walls. The tissue, known as diverticula, can become inflamed, causing severe, sudden pain. Diverticulosis can also cause:

  • Changes in your bowel habits
  • Severe cramping or pain in your abdomen
  • Chronic diarrhea, bloating, or constipation
  • Black, tarry stools, indicating blood in your stool

To confirm a diagnosis of diverticulosis, your doctor may recommend lab tests and imaging studies, including a colonoscopy.

Treatment for diverticulosis includes taking medications and supplements, and lifestyle and dietary changes. Your gastroenterologist may recommend:

  • Taking mesalazine or antibiotics like rifaximin to reduce painful diverticulosis symptoms
  • Taking probiotics and fiber supplements to regulate bowel movements
  • Increasing your fiber intake to help with bowel movements

For acute symptoms of diverticulosis, you need to:

  • Rest so your body can heal
  • Change to a liquid diet for a few days to make bowel movements easier
  • Add solid foods gradually to prevent pain with bowel movements

Severe diverticulosis may mean a stay in the hospital and intravenous antibiotics to help control symptoms.

Diverticulosis is painful, and can be debilitating, so it’s important to seek out your gastroenterologist for help with symptoms. To learn more about how your gastroenterologist can help with diverticulosis, talk with the experts. Call the gastroenterologists at Paragon Surgical Center in Saint Thomas, VI. You can reach them in the office by calling (217) 592-2863, so call today.

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