How Often Should I Get a Colonoscopy?

Take a colonoscopy in Saint Thomas, VI today with the help of our providers at the Paragon Surgical Center.

Why Is Getting a Colonoscopy Important?

Upon reaching a certain age, we all become more susceptible to developing certain diseases. The dreaded disease known as cancer should be among our foremost concerns.

We need to be proactive if we want to catch a disease such as cancer early. That’s why colonoscopies are so helpful.

Colonoscopies are highly accurate diagnostic tests that can be used to determine if there are growths inside your colon. If there are growths spotted via a colonoscopy, your doctor can examine them to see if they are cancerous. Further actions can be taken if the growths are symptomatic of cancer.

It’s no exaggeration to say that taking colonoscopies regularly could save your life. Get a colonoscopy in Saint Thomas, VI by partnering with the doctors at Paragon Surgical Center.

How Regularly Should You Undergo Colonoscopies?

Undergoing a colonoscopy could end up being the reason why you are able to avoid a full-blown case of cancer. So, when should you start having colonoscopies? Well, the answer to that question depends on your medical background.

A person with a history of inflammatory bowel disease or colorectal cancer should start having colonoscopies well before they reach 45 years of age. The same goes for people with a family history of colorectal cancer.

The aforementioned individuals are considered at high risk of developing colorectal cancer so more frequent screening is required for them. The frequency of screening varies based on the pre-existing condition.

Yearly testing is recommended for people 8 years removed from being diagnosed with an inflammatory bowel disease. Annual screening is also encouraged for people who have dealt with colon cancer before. If you already had growths removed from your colon, you should undergo a colonoscopy at least once every three years.

People with an average risk level of developing colorectal cancer should start getting colonoscopies when they turn 45. From there, getting a colonoscopy once every 10 years should suffice.

Get a colonoscopy in Saint Thomas, VI by working with the doctors of the Paragon Surgical Center. Call (217) 592-2863 and schedule your next colonoscopy appointment.

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