Helping You Manage Your Pain

When you’re dealing with a chronic condition or you’re healing from a recent surgery, it’s likely that pain will be part of your normal day. Dealing with pain can cause you to have to miss out on activities that you enjoy or may cause you to have to miss work or other important events. There are ways to deal with your pain so that you can improve your quality of life and enjoy the things that you love. Dr. Jeffrey Chase at Paragon Surgical Center in Saint Thomas, VI, can explain how pain management methods can improve your life and help you stop avoiding events and normal activities.

Why Pain Management is Important

When it comes to experiencing pain from a chronic condition, it can be lingering and can affect your ability to perform in your normal life. When pain is left unmanaged, it can really bother you and you’ll find yourself unwilling to leave the house or exacerbate any pain that you’re experiencing. Your doctor in Saint Thomas, VI, can develop a pain management plan that will work for you and help you start feeling comfortable again.

There are many different methods to pain management and your doctor can help you find the ones that work best for you. This may include lifestyle changes, like developing a healthy diet and exercising often. Your doctor might also recommend certain stretching exercises and physical therapy to help your body strengthen and find other ways to deal with pain.

The pain management plan that your doctor develops will be based on what kind of pain you’re dealing with and what the cause of this pain is. Dealing with the root of the issue will help alleviate symptoms that can cause you pain and discomfort.

Contact Your Doctor Today!

Don’t let yourself miss events because of pain. Contact Dr. Jeffrey Chase at Paragon Surgical Center in Saint Thomas, VI, to learn about pain management and how it can benefit you. Call for more information today at (217) 592-2863.

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