Types of Anesthesia

Anesthesia helps patients remain relaxed and comfortable while undergoing surgery or other medical procedures. It also minimizes or eliminates discomfort and pain. There are several types of anesthesia and different procedures call for different types. In Saint Thomas, VI, anesthesia services are offered at Paragon Surgical Center. Our knowledgeable and experienced anesthesia team can explain which type of anesthesia will be used during your procedure and how it works. 

Four Main Types of Anesthesia

Anesthesia makes it possible for patients to undergo various medical procedures, including surgery, without pain or discomfort. It also helps reduce fear, nervousness and anxiety that many patients experience prior to treatment or a procedure. 

Our anesthesia team utilizes four main types of anesthesia services at our Saint Thomas, VI, surgical center. The different types of anesthesia include:

Local Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is used to temporarily numb a small treatment area during minor procedures, such as getting stitches or having a cavity filled. Patients remain awake and alert throughout the procedure, but pain-free. One type of local anesthesia that is commonly used is lidocaine. It can be injected by needle or applied topically as a cream.

Monitored Sedation: With this type of anesthesia different levels of sedation are possible, from minimal sedation in which the patient is slightly drowsy but still able to talk to deep sedation. Monitored sedation is often used when performing minimally invasive procedures, such as a colonoscopy. It is also used in dentistry for patients with dental phobia or anxiety. For medical procedures, sedation medication is typically administered through an IV. In dentistry, this type of anesthesia can also be taken orally or by inhaling nitrous oxide. 

Regional Anesthesia: Regional anesthesia is used to numb a large area of the body to prevent pain and discomfort in that area. Patients usually remain awake, but it is also possible to administer regional anesthesia in combination with monitored sedation to further relax patients and allow them to doze off during the procedure. Examples of regional anesthesia include spinal or epidural anesthesia, which is often used during childbirth. Another type of regional anesthesia is nerve blocks, which numb a smaller area of the body, such as an arm or leg. 

General Anesthesia: This type of anesthesia is used for major surgery, such as open-heart surgery. General anesthesia can be administered intravenously through an IV tube or as a vapor or gas that is inhaled through a breathing tube or mask. With general anesthesia, patients are completely unconscious and have no awareness of anything during the procedure. Upon waking after surgery, this type of anesthesia tends to leave patients feeling drowsy. Some individuals might also experience nausea or a sore throat. 

Several different types of anesthesia are available to help you relax and experience a pain-free medical procedure. Our experienced and caring anesthesiologist can discuss anesthesia options with you and explain what to expect with each one. For anesthesia services in Saint Thomas, VI, call Paragon Surgical Center at (217) 592-2863.

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