Upper Endoscopy FAQs

Do you have questions about this common diagnostic procedure? We have answers!

If you are dealing with unexplained abdominal pain or digestive issues our Saint Thomas, VI, surgeons may have recommended getting an upper endoscopy. Before undergoing any procedure we also understand that it’s important for our patients to fully understand what to expect. Whether you are getting an upper endoscopy or you have a family member who is about to get one, here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions regarding this diagnostic procedure.

What is an upper endoscopy? 

An upper endoscopy is performed by our Saint Thomas, VI, surgical team when we want to get a closer look into the upper digestive tract. This procedure allows us to guide a thin, flexible tube (known as an endoscope) that contains a small camera into the throat and down into the esophagus, stomach, and small intestines to diagnose and even treat certain symptoms and conditions.

When is an upper endoscopy performed? 

There are many reasons someone may need to undergo an upper endoscopy. Some of these reasons include,

  • To better evaluate digestive symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, heartburn, upper abdominal pain, and problems swallowing
  • To biopsy tissue to test for cancers, inflammation, anemia, or other issues that impact the digestive system
  • To remove polyps, to widen the esophagus, or to stop bleeds

How long does an upper endoscopy take? 

Upper endoscopies are pretty quick procedures, usually taking no more than 15-20 minutes to complete.

Will I be under general anesthesia? 

You will not be asleep during this procedure; however, we will administer “conscious sedation” through an IV, which may make you feel sleepy, comfortable, and relaxed. Many patients have little to no recollection of the procedure while under the effects of conscious sedation.

What is the recovery process like? 

Most patients will remain at our practice for about 30-40 minutes after their procedure before they can go home. Since you will be under conscious sedation you must have someone who can drive you home after your endoscopy. Patients can return to their regular activities the next day.

Paragon Surgical Center is here to provide you with the answers, care and support you need when digestive issues impact your health and wellbeing. If you have questions about an upcoming upper endoscopy or you’re dealing with GI problems, our Saint Thomas, VI, doctors are here to help. Call us today at (340) 715-7874.

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