When To See an Orthopaedic Surgeon

Is it time to consult an orthopaedic surgeon about your pain?

It’s amazing how just one injury, disorder, or condition that impacts bones or joints in a specific area of the body can also impact how the body functions as a whole. If you are dealing with pain, discomfort and limited mobility due to injuries, diseases and other musculoskeletal issues, then no doubt you’ve visited an orthopaedist for treatment; however, in some cases, you may need to turn to our Saint Thomas, VI, orthopaedic surgeon to find out if surgery is the next best approach to care,

You’re in Constant Pain

This is a big one! Anyone who is living with chronic pain due to arthritis, an injury or disorder also deals with a significant reduction in their quality of life. We know that pain keeps people from doing what they love most, and can even lead to depression. If you’ve been living with chronic pain for more than 12 weeks and the pain is debilitating or not responding to painkillers, then our Saint Thomas, VI, orthopaedic surgeons may recommend surgery to finally alleviate your pain.

Mobility and Day-to-Day Tasks are Challenging

Do you find that everyday tasks are becoming a bit harder for you to perform? Does your wrist feel tighter and stiffer, making it challenging to simply brush your teeth or comb your hair? Do you have trouble getting around your house, let alone trying to run errands? If you said “yes” then your condition is greatly impacting your ability to care for yourself. To prevent this problem from getting worse, it’s a good idea to speak with our orthopaedic team to discuss the next steps.

You Feel Unstable

Is the problem or condition you’re dealing with making you feel unstable? Do you feel wobbly or weak in the knees? If parts of your body feel weak or like they could “give way” you may be at an increased risk for falling. Falls, particularly in older individuals, can also lead to more serious injuries including fractures. To prevent falls, our orthopaedic team may recommend surgery to reinforce or correct the damage or injured ligament, joint, or bone to reduce your risk for falling and to improve mobility.

If you are dealing with severe, chronic pain or other issues above, then it’s time to speak with our Saint Thomas, VI, orthopaedic surgeon to find out if surgery could restore your mobility and improve your quality of life. To schedule an evaluation, call Paragon Surgical Center at (340) 715-7874.

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