The Importance of a Colonoscopy

Find out why everyone could benefit from getting routine colonoscopies.

If you’re approaching 50 years old then you may have already been told that you need to schedule your first colonoscopy soon. Wondering if this procedure is really necessary, especially if you feel great and aren’t experiencing symptoms? Here at our St. Thomas, VI, practice, our gastroenterologist Dr. Raymond Cintrón provides colonoscopies because they are truly the best and most accurate way to detect colorectal cancer early in both men and women.

Why Everyone Needs a Colonoscopy 

About one in 23 men and one in 25 women will develop colorectal cancer over the course of their lifetime, making this the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the US. As you can see, this is a problem that impacts both men and women nearly equally. This is why men and women need to schedule their first colonoscopy by the age of 50 years old.

After all, a colonoscopy is the most sensitive diagnostic tool that we have to be able to examine the lining and structure of the rectum and colon to be able to pinpoint (and remove) colon polyps and other cancerous and pre-cancerous tissue. Of course, if you have a family history of colorectal cancer, or a history of colon polyps, then you’ll want to get screened by our St. Thomas, VI, gastroenterologist even earlier in life (usually by 45 years old).

Other risk factors for colorectal cancer include,

  • Older age (being over 50 years old)
  • Heavy alcohol consumption
  • Smoking or tobacco use
  • Leading a sedentary lifestyle
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Poor diets
  • Inflammatory bowel disease

If you have certain risk factors for colorectal cancer, particularly ones that are modifiable such as smoking or your diet, talk with our doctors today about ways to improve your lifestyle to reduce your risk. These simple changes to your health and diet could go a long way to protecting against colorectal cancer.

How Often You Need One 

Most healthy individuals will only need to come in every 10 years, starting at age 50, for a routine colonoscopy; however, if your results came back positive you may need to come in every few years for routine colonoscopies. This is something to discuss with our medical team here at Paragon Surgical Center to find out what is right for you and your health.

Nothing is more important than our patients leading healthy lives throughout the decades. By getting routine colonoscopies from our St. Thomas, VI, gastroenterologist here at Paragon Surgical Center, we can safeguard your health. To schedule your first colonoscopy, call us at (340) 715-7874.

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