What To Do if You Have Rectal Bleeding

It's shocking to find blood in the toilet. The doctors at Paragon Surgical Center provide Saint Thomas, VI, patients with the information and treatment they need for rectal bleeding.

What is rectal bleeding?

Rectal bleeding is a symptom of many different medical conditions, like colorectal cancer. Sometimes you may need a microscope to see rectal bleeding, which means your Saint Thomas, VI, doctor will need to take stool samples for lab analysis. The colors you may see, however, range from bright red to maroon to black.

  • Bright red blood comes from the lower part of your colon or rectum
  • Dark red or maroon blood means blood from a higher part of the colon or in the small bowel
  • Black often means bleeding comes from the stomach because of ulcers

 There are other symptoms people may experience in addition to bleeding:

  • Rectal pain or pressure
  • You may find blood in or on the following: stool, underwear, or toilet paper
  • Tar-like stool
  • Mental confusion, lightheadedness, or dizziness
  • Fainting
  • A sudden drop in blood pressure
  • A fast heart rate
  • Difficulty urinating

What causes rectal bleeding?

  • Hemorrhoids
  • Anal fissure
  • Anal abscess or fistula
  • Diverticulosis/Diverticulitis
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Ulcers
  • Large polyps
  • Cancer

How do I treat rectal bleeding?

 You need to contact your doctor when you notice rectal bleeding for a proper diagnosis since rectal bleeding is usually linked to a bigger problem. Treatment options vary depending on your condition. Your doctor may prescribe ointments, changing your diet like increasing water intake, or in extreme cases having surgery. Surgery to remove the tumors is necessary if rectal bleeding is a symptom of cancer.

Do you want to speak with a doctor?

If you'd like to speak with your health care provider at Paragon Surgical Center, then just give their Saint Thomas, VI, office a call at (340) 715-7874. 

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