Non-Surgical Hemorrhoid Treatment

Hemorrhoids are very common, and though not always symptomatic they can be uncomfortable and sometimes very painful. But there are treatment options available if you're struggling with hemorrhoid symptoms, the banding system, for example, can be a great alternative to traditional surgical treatments, learn more by reaching out to your local experts at the Paragon Surgical Center in Saint Thomas, VI.

Understanding Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are veins around the anus and lower rectum that have become inflamed and swollen and can result in uncomfortable symptoms like pain and bleeding.

Several factors can increase the likelihood of developing hemorrhoids, these include straining during bowel movements, pregnancy, aging, lifting heavy objects, and sitting too long on the toilet, which can be a result of a low-fiber diet.

You can reduce your risk by making improvements to your lifestyle, by having a diet that is high in fiber, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding regularly lifting heavy objects.

Banding System

An effective treatment for hemorrhoids is called rubber band ligation, or the banding system, which is often prescribed as a less invasive option to surgery.

The procedure can be used to treat prolapsed hemorrhoids by tying a special rubber band around the base of it. This cuts the blood supply and the hemorrhoid typically falls off on its own after a few days, usually about a week. What remains of the hemorrhoid forms scar tissue and shrinks away as well.

It's important to note that even though the treatment is very straightforward in the way it's performed, it's still a very serious procedure that should be performed only by a qualified professional.

Hemorrhoid Treatment in Saint Thomas, VI

Hemorrhoids can be sometimes difficult to discuss openly, but they are usually not difficult to treat, so speak with your doctor if you're struggling with the condition.

To explore your hemorrhoid treatment options in Saint Thomas, VI, schedule a consultation with your local professionals at the Paragon Surgical Center by dialing (340) 715-7874.

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