Common Gastrointestinal Conditions Requiring Surgery: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Most common gastrointestinal conditions can be treated conservatively. But when they are not responding to other options, gastrointestinal surgery in Saint Thomas, VI, may be required. Our team of board-certified gastroenterologists at Paragon Surgical Center provides the full range of gastrointestinal treatment including surgery when necessary, including for the following health problems. 


 There are two types of gallstones, pigment gallstones and cholesterol stones. About 25% of those diagnosed with gallstones will require gastrointestinal surgery in Saint Thomas, VI.  


Gallstones are caused by an excess of cholesterol or bilirubin or not enough bile salt. They may also be the result of the gallbladder not emptying completely or often enough. Being obese increases the risk of developing gallstones. 


When gallstones block the bile duct it can lead to a gallbladder attack. The most common symptom is pain in the upper right abdomen. It can last several hours. If you have nausea or vomiting, fever, chills, yellow skin or whites of the eyes, or tea-colored urine, call your doctor immediately. 


If you have serious symptoms, the usual procedure is to remove the gallbladder. It can be done laparoscopically, which makes for an easier recovery. 

Peptic ulcer

 Peptic ulcers are stomach ulcers caused by acid in the stomach.


Most peptic ulcers are either caused by NSAIDs or by an infection with Helicobacter pylori. H. pylori needs to be treated with a medication regime. Ulcers are not caused by worry or stress as many people think. 


Pain in the upper abdomen is a common symptom. What to look for is bleeding, which means things have gotten more serious. Black stools or being anemic are signs something bad is going on. 


Most people will respond well to treatment or lifestyle changes. Up to 10% of people will suffer persistent problems and surgery to correct the bleeding is required for them. 



Often the cause of the attack is not clear. It can be a blockage in the appendix or inflammatory bowel disease. 


The most common symptom of an appendicitis attack is pain in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen. It usually starts suddenly and may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and fever. 


The usual treatment for an appendicitis attack is to remove the appendix. It is done under general anesthesia and can be done laparoscopically. The danger of an appendix bursting leading to peritonitis makes removal the best option when the appendix becomes inflamed.  Peritonitis is life-threatening. 

When you need gastrointestinal surgery in Saint Thomas, VI, for common gastrointestinal conditions, our team at Paragon Surgical Center is here to help. Give our office a call today for an appointment at (340) 715-7874

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